Corporate support
Whether through staff fundraising events or supporting the activities of Winchester Hospice, there are many different ways local businesses can make a real difference to people in the local community facing life-limiting illness.
We’d love to hear from local companies and their employees who’d like to get involved and support Winchester Hospice. Get in touch with us on 01962 828353 or and we can talk through our opportunities with you.
Below, you’ll find some of the ways you can support Winchester Hospice through your community.
The Market Measures team on their sponsored walk as part of their Venture 100 fundraising
The team from Nony Kerr-Smiley with hospice staff promoting the Purple Night Walk
Take on our Venture100 challenge!
Not sure how you’re going to make a difference in your local community this year? Venture100 has the perfect opportunity to bring your team together for one goal, turning £100 into £1,000 for Winchester Hospice. From signing up, you have one year to execute your monumental plan and raise vital funds to support our patients and their families.
Charity of the Year
Nominating Winchester Hospice Appeal as your Charity of the Year is an excellent way of getting involved and helping to support your local community. We understand that it is not always possible for a company to commit to supporting us for a whole year; an alternative would be to hold a charity week or month in aid of the Winchester Hospice Appeal. Whichever way you are able to support us, we would be delighted to discuss the options with you.
Host a clothes recycling bank
By hosting a recycling bank, you could be helping to raise thousands of pounds each year. Banks are free to host at your site, all you need is:
Space - the bank measures 2m high, 1.6m wide and 1.25m deep. Some of our supporters locate theirs on a path, car park, grass area or outdoor space with their other recycling initiatives.
Access - the bank would be emptied once a week. The collecting van will need sufficient access to the bank to empty it. In case of it being full before your collection day, we can arrange a 24hr pick up.
Employees who care - a group of individuals who want to make a difference to their local community through supporting our charity.
In 2021, we raised over £1,500 from unwanted items of clothing in our recycling banks. To help us raise that figure, get in touch with us today by emailing us.
Staff fundraising
Staff fundraising is an excellent and fun way to boost morale and motivate your staff. You can organise your own fundraising events in the workplace, such as a dress-down day, participate in community campaigns, take part in a challenge event, or support events and raise sponsorship.
Donating prizes and gifts
We rely on the generosity of local businesses to support us by donating items that we can use as raffle or auction items. We accept various items so please do get in touch via email and we can chat about receiving your donations.
Match funding
Match funding is a great way to support your employees with their fundraising efforts, whilst also raising vital funds for a cause that’s important to them. Match funding can help to promote your organisation, build your corporate social responsibility profile and enhance employee motivation.
Could you put together a team of work colleagues to volunteer your services as a group? Perhaps you could suggest that your company offers a certain amount of volunteering hours on a weekly or monthly basis?
We would welcome your team’s help with maintenance tasks or gardening, as well as help at fundraising events – helping us collect money on community stalls or street collections. If you think you could help, please email us and we can chat about what you might be able to help us with.
Collecting tins and tap machines
Show your customers that you are supporting Winchester Hospice by placing a collection unit in a prominent place in your place of work, such as in your reception area or a front desk.
The collection tins can be delivered and collected from you by our team of volunteers, making this an easy way to fundraise. We will, of course, let you know how much your collection unit has raised, so you can let your staff and visitors know the valuable contribution that they have made to the hospice.